Tag Archives: travel guidebooks

Platform Nine and Three Quarters Photo Op Vastly Improved

Thank you SnitchSeeker! The Platform Nine and Three Quarters photo op at London’s King’s Cross Station was vastly improved when it apparated into a newly refurbished area of the station! According to reports, it’s near the Harry Potter Platform 9¾ … Read more

Supplies to Purchase in the UK

Some things are more expensive when purchased in Great Britain – such as batteries and over-the-counter pain meds. Thus, you should bring plenty of those things with you when traveling to the UK. Many daily-needs items, however, can be purchased … Read more

Pill Packing Pointers

When heading out on holiday, there are some very important practices for packing prescription and over-the-counter pills, capsules, supplements or solutions, that you should know about. All Travel Experts Agree that it is Important To: Pack enough of them to … Read more

In-Flight Supplies and Sustenance

Especially when traveling abroad, it’s important to pack an In-Flight Needs bag containing items that will keep you comfortable – and healthy. Additionally, airline meals and snacks are rarely plentiful these days, and often are not free. Savvy sojourners pack … Read more

Travel Documents and Baggage ID

Savvy sojourners know to stash photocopies of all important personal identification and travel-related documents somewhere within their luggage. This practice assists with obtaining replacements if any of your original documents become lost or stolen while enjoying your holiday. Additionally, there … Read more

Baggage Security Tips

The first time I saw someone’s underwear traveling around a baggage claim turnstile—along with other contents from a zipper compartment that had opened during transport—I vowed to never use external zipper compartments to store anything, unless they could be securely … Read more

First Things First

When preparing to travel inside or outside your home country, begin by going to your country’s Governmental Transportation Security Authority website, and become familiar with the rules and regulations related to traveling via planes, trains, or whatever. For instance: Those … Read more